
Friday, December 10, 2010

Boy Dresses Like Girl

What would you do? Is there something wrong with your child? Is it a phase? Is it something to worry about long down the road or in the near future?

Not really...

Your child knows that there's something wrong with their body and woops! god got the gender potion mixed up in the process. I'd allow it with certain conditions and allow the conditions to change little by little as they grow up:
Let the boy dress like a girl at home to start out.
Allow him to dress like a girl while shoppiing.
Allow him to dress like a girl during the summers, but as a boy during school. (schools might not allow them an education at their facility even if they feel they were given the wrong body)
Allow them to use makeup only during Drama class.
Make a deal in the future to discuss it further; that's if you're trying to let them get the phase out of their system.
Why not let them dress like a boy (with or without male persona) at home, but when they go out they can dress like a girl if they wanted to. (Maybe this should be established before the rule is set. Talk to him).
Allow him to dress as he likes as long as its not your clothes. (If they really want it, they should perhaps start with their own collection.)
Take them shopping!! Help them explore their taste(s).
Dont critisize them or you'll be sorry later.
Talk to your child about the physical and psychological dangers of living this life in the open.
Support the name/sex change.  (doesn't mean you HAVE to pay for it though, that's not what i meant. but it would be their dream come true if you did at least help).
Talk to them that memories can't be taken back, but forgiven.
If its brought to your attention through violence toward your child, set them nasty people straight that how they live is their choice. Your son has every right to live emotionaly, physically, psychologically, etc as they know they are a girl.

These are ideas i've come up with or had help with or found. If you would like to add any that you don't see (NO NEGATIVITY). If you don't like the post, youdont have to comment. Simpley pass on to the next post.

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