
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bullied Women at Abortions

Don't know about you, but I am PRO CHOICE. A woman should have all rights to their bodies and the life within. No, I'm not saying that a cheating wife should get an aborition just to save her own ass, but it would be her choice to explain things when he grows up looking like dad's best friend. I do absolutely believe that a woman who was raped or a product of family/family affair, than they deserve the abortion. No one sould have a choice made for them. A pregnant teen has every right to want to abort her pregnancy, but maybe she wants the option of open adoption or just plain give-up adoption. Don't blow off a chance at giving the child a chance to live just because it's an inconveniance or that it would get in the way of your continuing party life. Give the child a chance to grow up with posotive options. a family that could take care of them.

Another scarey thing is adoption. Giving the child blindly to others who seem fine could be fatal and sexually abusive. A woman might let her husband rape them at bed time. A single man might rape or sell them to pay their way or support a drug habit. A foster child might even get pregnant by their foster parent and no one would believe them except friends. The system might be believed that it was just a sleep-around symptom against fun. But what ever the choice it may be, be carefully deciding.

A pro choice does not mean murder.
Any state or facility that releases your file on the internet for the public to find is against doctor patient confidentiality and you might win for suing, but dont do just that just because you read it on the internet. Be smart. Make your own choices and do the correct legal thing for you and your baby.
These are a few REDICULOUS laws that bully women who abort.

Describing ultrasounds: Because requiring ultrasounds is not enough, technicians in Oklahoma, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi are required to describe what they see (eyes, a hand, maybe even the sex) during an ultrasound up to an hour before the abortion. Victims of rape and incest are not spared the theatrics.
  1. Post patient questionnaires online: Oklahoma requires women to fill out a questionnaire, which asks potentially identifying questions, and then posts it online.
  2. Provide info on fetus's ability to feel pain: Nine states are required to tell women how much pain the fetus will feel. This seems like fine information before a woman decides, but afterward?
  3. Report inaccurate info on an abortion-breast cancer link: Out of the seven states whose required info provides material on breast cancer risks after abortions, five (Alaska, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia) inaccurately report an increased risk.
  4. Focus only on negative reactions: Most calls were about guilt over feeling relief. Yet out of the 17 states that provide info on possible psychological responses to abortions, seven (Michigan, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia) focus on the negative only.

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