
Monday, December 20, 2010

Sumerian Lexicon 1

I know how hard it is to find these words. There's no translation for you at Babelfish, either. Trust me, I've wanted this language used in the site or at least in a Sumerian to English Dictionary like they have for just about every other language. Not sure if they have it for gaalic though, although i will be putting some out there in the future, my readers.

I began to research the Sumerian *it was really hard to take out the second M there for a while in the beginning* after watching the movie The Fourth Kind with my husband. It scared me. It intrigued me. It made me sad for Abbey Tyler and her clients and how her son treated her the way he did after what happened to his father and saddened about what her daughter went through becomig blind after her husband... watch the movie to know what i'm talkinng about. Poor Abbey. I swear...what a strong woman to continue on.

Each word and its explanation is seperated by black and red checkered list. Enjoy. Have fun. And don't tear your hair out with the pronounciation.

li-um, le-um: plate.
lú-dam-tuku: a married person ('person' + 'spouse' + 'to have').
lú-di-da: opposing party (in a legal case) ('man' + 'law suit' + 'with'
lú-érim: enemy ('man' + 'evil, hostile').
lú-éše: prisoner ('man' + 'rope'; cf., é-éše, 'jail' and šagtildea, 'captive').
lú-ga-šum: assassin ('man' + 'I will' + 'to slaughter').
lú-gi-gíd-da: flutist ('man' + 'reed' + 'long' + nominative).
lú-gu-la: despot ('man' + 'large').
lú-gub-ba: ecstatic ('man' + 'to stand' + nominative).
lú-gtildeiš-e3/11: doorkeeper, doorman ('man' + 'key').
lú-hun-gtildeá: hired worker ('man' + 'to hire' + nominative).
lú-im/tum9: 'wind man': unreliable person ('man' + 'wind').
lú-inim-ma: witness ('person' + 'word' + genitive).
lú-KA×LI-KA×LI: incantation priest (cf., tu6, mu7, zug4, 7, and sig14).
lú-kal-(l): dear one ('person' + 'precious').
lú-kar-ra: refugee ('person' + 'to escape' + nominative).
lú-kaš4: courier ('man' + 'fast runner').
lú-ki-inim-ma: witness ('person' + 'place' + 'oath' + genitive).
lú-kúr-ra: stranger; enemy ('man' + 'mountains, foreign country' + genitive).
lú-kurun(-/ak/): brewer; innkeeper ('man' + 'alcoholic drink' (+ genitive)).
lú-la-ga: robber (cf., ma-la-(g)).
lú-lul(-la): unfaithful, treacherous man ('man' + 'lies' + genitive).
lú-má-gur8: boat captain ('man' + 'large boat').
lú no man does X ('man' + prohibitive modal prefix + 'to be' + 'no, not'; cf.,
lú-nam-tag-ga: sinner ('man' + 'guilt' + genitive).
lú-ní-zu(-/ak/): thief ('man' + 'one's own' + 'your' + genitive).
lú-ní-zuh: thief ('man' + 'one's own' + 'to steal, rob').
lú-nígtilde-nu-tuku: poor man, debtor ('man' + 'thing' + 'not' + 'to have').
lú-nígtilde-tuku: rich man, wealthy person ('man' + 'thing' + 'to have').
lú-ru-gú: recalcitrant, intractable individual(s) ('man' + ru-gú, 'to withstand, oppose').
lú-ru-gú-da: river ordeal, to decide an insoluble legal case, which involved swimming a certain distance and returning to shore without being pulled under by the current ('man' + 'to send' + 'river bank' + 'to be near'; cf., ru-gú).
lú-silim: perfect man ('man' + 'good, healthy').
lú-su-a: friend, acquaintance ('man' + su-a, 'cat').
lú-šár: numerous individuals, myriads ('men, people' + 'to be many').
lú še bad-rá: to thresh ('man' + 'grain' + 'to open, expose, peel, release, split' + nominative).
lú-šuku-ra-ke4-ne: persons with allotted portions ('allotted portions' + genitive + plural).
lú-tu-ra: a sick person ('person' + 'to be weak, sick' + nominative).
lú-u5-a: rider ('man' + 'to mount, ride' + nominative).
lú-u18[gtildcapIŠGAL]-(lu): mankind; human being ('humans' + 'huge' [ + 'numerous']).
lú-u18-um: name of a breed of small cattle (possible Semitic loanword).
lú-zàh: runaway, fugitive ('man' + 'to flee').
lú-zi(-d): righteous, good man ('man' + 'faithful, true').
lú-zu(-a): acquaintance ('person' + 'to know' + nominative).
lú-zuh: thief ('man' + 'to steal, rob').
lugal-šà-lá-sù: merciful king ('king' + 'merciful').
lul...dug4: to tell a lie ('lie' + 'to speak'). to keep silent ('lie' + 'to stay silent').
lum-ma: a fecund female ('to be fertile, productive' + nominative).
ma-al: Emesal dialect for gtildeál.
(gi)ma-an-sim: sieve ('it sifts for me').
ma-az: exuberant, joyful; a female dancer.
ma-da: district, realm (Akkadian, maatu(m) I, 'land').
ma-la-(g): friend (among females) ('to bind' + LA.GA, 'an obscene name for the female genitalia' per Landsberger).
ma-mu(2)-(d): dream ('it is growing for me').
ma-na: a unit of weight measure, mina = ca. 500 grams = 60 gín (since Akkad period, 2 ma-na = 1 sìla of water) (Akk., manûm, 'to count').
ma-na-tur: a surface area measure, little mina = 1/3 shekel = 60 surface še = 720 square fingers; as a volume measure, = 60 še.
(gtildeiš)ma-nu: dwarf ash (?), cornel (?); firewood bundle ('to bind' + nu11, 'fire').
ma-ra-az: (variant of ma-az).
(gi)ma-sá(-ab): a basket ('to bind' + 'to equal in value' (+ 'container') ?; Semitic root means 'circle').
(gtildeiš)má-addir: ferryboat ('boat' + 'ferry; bridge').
(gi)má-da-lá: a thick bundle of reeds used to build rafts ('boat' + 'to hold near' + 'to strap, bind').
(gtildeiš)má-diri-ga: the boat sailing downstream ('boat' + 'to float (with the current)' + nominative).
má-DU-DU(-d): barge captain ('boat' + ?; cf., má-lah4/5).
(gtildeiš)má...du8: to caulk a boat ('boat' + 'to spread with pitch').
(gtildeiš)má-egir-ra: the stern of a boat ('boat' + 'back' + nominative).
má-gan-an-naki: Magan (a country on the sea route to India) ('boats' + 'support' + 'to be high' + nominative).
(gtildeiš)má-gi(4)-lum: a type of small sailing boat ('boat' + gilim, 'reed bundle').
(gtildeiš)má...gíd: to sail (with -da-); to tow a barge ('boat' + 'to draw, pull').
(gtildeiš)má-gur8: a large boat, cargo boat; pot stand ('boat' + 'high, deep') [MAGUR archaic frequency: 5; concatenates 2 sign variants].
má(-a)...gtildear: to load a boat ('boat' + 'in' + 'to place').
má-gtildeéš-gur: a boat of sixty-gur capacity ('boat' + 'sixty' + kor basket measure).
(gtildeiš)má-lá: cargo boat ('boat' + 'to extend, load').
má-lah4/5: sailor; barge captain ('boat' + 'to drive along').
má-nisagtilde-gtildeá: boat with first-fruit offerings ('boat' + 'first-fruits' + nominative).
(gtildeiš)má-ru-ru-gú: the boat sailing upstream ('boat' + 'to move in a direction opposite to [the current]').
(gtildeiš)má-sagtilde-gtildeá: the bow of a boat; prow ('boat' + 'point, head' + nominative).
má(-a)-si-ga: describes products used to fill a boat ('boat' + 'in' + 'to fill' + nominative).
itimurub4: calendar month 4 at Umma during Ur III.
muš-da-gur4: gecko, lizard ('reptile'+ 'arms, sides' + 'plump, big').
múš...dub: comb or set hair ('appearance' + 'to heap up').
mùš...de6/túm: to stop working; to cease ('appearance' + 'to prepare').
mùš-me: face, features ('face, appearance' + 'to say, tell').
mušen-dù: fowler ('bird' + 'to mould').
na-ab-bé-a: thus does he/she speak (affirmative + itilde, conjugation prefix + b, inanimate pronominal prefix + e, 'to speak' in marû singular + e, 3rd person marû singular subject marker + nominal).
na-ágtilde-gi4-in: slavery ('human being' + 'to check, measure' + 'slave').
na...de5[RI]: to give advice, instructions; to cleanse; to fell trees (cf., na...ri(-g)) (prohibitive/affirmative + 'to advise').
na-DU: read na...de6 or na...ri6, 'advice, instructions'.
na-gada: herdsman (from Akkadian naaqidum, 'shepherd').
na-gtildeá-ah: fool ('human being' + 'to deliver' + 'spittle' ?).
na-izi: incense ('incense' + 'fire').

those are a few to show you, but it wont be the only. (compound words initials L through R)


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